Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Education... Or Hard Labor

Education is pretty important, in my opinion. Education is key to surviving; I know that many people might disagree, but its true. There are more than a hand-full of kids that can’t get a free education, about 121 million children to be specific. I want to change this. If I ruled the world, I would give every child an education and a safe school where they can play and learn. I want every child from any country to have an opportunity to achieve their dreams. Seriously, every living soul in “Deannaville” should fulfill their LIFE DREAM, no matter how crazy it sounds! If a little African American girl from the poorest part of Africa wants to be a doctor, then she should go for it! Nothing should stop this girl! I will build a ton of schools all over “Deannaville”, so there will be no excuses that there are not enough schools. I will supply all the schools with all the high tech technology and school supplies that they would need. For all those children that don’t want an education, they will be forced to work in hard labor factory for the rest of their lives. No mercy.  

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