Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bad Boys

In this day and age, there have been so many occurrences of murder and rape in this messed up little planet of ours, well, now mine. In America alone there are about 20 to 30 murders per day, and a woman gets raped every two minutes. This is insane! Just imagine how often it occurs all around the world, every day. Oh dear Heavens, I don’t even want to think about it. If I ruled the world I would get rid of all the psycho murders and rapists (as well as the regular ones) in “Deannaville;” my world doesn’t need murderous criminals.  Unlike regular law breakers who are in charge of keeping the streets free of garbage, as well as doing good deeds like helping an old lady cross the street, I would see to it personally that they be murdered the same way they killed, or, in the case of rape, they would be sentenced to the electric chair. I have zero tolerance for this kind of stuff; it’s ridiculous to think that someone would even consider murdering someone else. I am determined to keep “Deannaville” clean from maniacs trying to ruin my perfect world; a world filled with happiness and rainbow-pooping-unicorns.


I don’t know about you, but I love junk food, and due to the fact that I’m your ruler, you will have to love it as well. I love everything about it, the saltiness, the grease, and the sugar! Why is junk food so delicious? Why can't junk food be healthy for us? Well, why not? If I ruled the world, I would use the same food labels for unhealthy and healthy food, well, not just the label, but also the actual components that make a food “bad” or “good.” Foods such as cakes, French fries, bacon cheeseburgers, milk shakes, nachos, cheesecakes, chips, and many more will now have all the nutrients and minerals that you will need. It will all still be delicious and cheap. Many healthy foods in grocery stores are extremely expensive, and all the junk food is cheap. This would save people millions of dollars as well as time; time that they would otherwise use up in gyms trying to get rid of the abundance of fat all over their body. I know of many places in the world that people are starving and not healthy. I declare that every Friday in “Deannaville,” everyone will get free food, paid by second in command, Mr. Spalding. There will no longer be starvation in countries like Africa, Haiti, and the Philippines. Everyone will be happy and healthy (if they’re not I’ll make them, with force), and there will be no more starving kids. “Deannaville” will be an amazing place to live, no doubt about it.   

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Education... Or Hard Labor

Education is pretty important, in my opinion. Education is key to surviving; I know that many people might disagree, but its true. There are more than a hand-full of kids that can’t get a free education, about 121 million children to be specific. I want to change this. If I ruled the world, I would give every child an education and a safe school where they can play and learn. I want every child from any country to have an opportunity to achieve their dreams. Seriously, every living soul in “Deannaville” should fulfill their LIFE DREAM, no matter how crazy it sounds! If a little African American girl from the poorest part of Africa wants to be a doctor, then she should go for it! Nothing should stop this girl! I will build a ton of schools all over “Deannaville”, so there will be no excuses that there are not enough schools. I will supply all the schools with all the high tech technology and school supplies that they would need. For all those children that don’t want an education, they will be forced to work in hard labor factory for the rest of their lives. No mercy.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Your Ruler

I, Deanna Jessica Levitskiy, have taken over the world, hypothetically, of course. I am most definitely capable of ruling the world because I am intelligent, and have all the characteristics of a leader. Plus, I am Ukrainian, which makes me a person with a the right values, therefore, making me a remarkable ruler.  I decided to change some things on this planet we call “Earth”. “Earth” will now be called “Deannaville”. In this blog I will be posting all the changes to “Deannavile”. These changes might be good for society or just good for me, but there will be changes, no doubt about it. I don’t want people in “Deannaville” to be miserable; I truly do believe in world peace, but sometimes “world peace” is overrated. My goal, as a leader, is to mold this world according to my own standards, but to also teach people the correct ways of living in “Deannaville”. Everyone will be better off if I ruled the world; I am essentially 1,000 times better than the rulers today. Let’s be honest here, we know that the world is struggling through the terrible economy, violence, and lack of structure. You will be proud to have a killer ruler like me.