Friday, March 15, 2013

65 and Fit

My dear elders, no one wants to see your saggy butt and arms at the beach. I declare that anyone that is over the age of 65 will have to have at least a four pack. I think this will improve people from getting post traumatic stress disorder from seeing an old person with wrinkles deeper than the Grand Canyon. This will help elders have more energy, an improved sleep experience,  stable weight, improve circulation, lower blood pressure, and delay ageing. Because of their improvement in appearance, we will have elder shows. We will rate them on how fit they are on a scale of one to eleven. The top scorers will be put in a game were they must battle to the death... I suspect that this will help keep the population rate from constantly increasing. I know that this seems far fetched, but that's because it is. So what if it's far fetched, I rule the world. The elders will thank me, and bow to me because I own the wrinkly slaves that they are. 

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