Friday, March 8, 2013

No more Tests

Students of "Deannaville", I bring you good news! I declared that ever school in "Deannaville" will not be allowed to give students any type of tests. (No math tests, English tests, gym tests, driving tests, and many others.) When I was a student many, many, many years ago, I would get so stressed and upset for tests that I would want to commit bloody murder to an innocent puppy. It is time for a change in the school system!!! I am tired of seeing students getting stressed over a ridiculous test, all the time they put into studying instead of hanging out with friends and family! Getting rid of tests would save schools a lot of money and time to teach students more important things. I know doing this would also will help the teachers tremendously and a super stress-reliever. If I hear anything about a teacher giving students tests, then I will forcefully send the teacher to the Sahara Desert where all the people that are infected with AIDS or HIV. I personally believe that if any teacher is giving a student a hard will be tortured by my Russian army. I do not mess around when it comes to education. 

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