Friday, March 1, 2013

Welfare... I don't think so.

My dear citizens in "Deannaville", for those who are on welfare, you are screwed. I understand that welfare is used to aid people when they are not financially stable. By the looks of it, people that are on welfare are people sitting in on their lazy butts in their trailer drinking beer or other drink products like Mountain Dew.  I don't think it is fair for those hard working people's money go to those lazy failures. If I ruled the world I would make all the people on welfare get off their worn down sofa, and find a job or get an education. Like I stated before in my previous post, "Education", people should go to college and get a well paid job. If they don't want to go to school for whatever reason, they will work in a hard labor factory. For anyone that is on welfare will be placed in a factory that is insanely hard labor, so that they can make up all the lost time that they had wasted doing nothing. Anyone that is still sitting at home watching TV, doesn't have a job, nor doesn't want an education will get a nice visit of my agents wearing black suits. I wouldn't want to mess with them; they can set anyone straight or mess up people's faces. Watch out people on welfare, I am coming to get you! 

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