Friday, March 15, 2013


We have thousands of heroes already, firefighters, policemen, teachers, mailmen, etc., so why would we need more? We don't need more, we just need super, super heroes I mean. I want a firefighter to be able to run through a fire, jump off a building, and save lives without dying. I want all heroes to have the ability to save the day with super awesome super powers. I will have my team of mad scientists come up with a formula that, when proctored to humans, will make them super heroes. I will do this for all modern day heroes. There will no longer be fear when a firefighter is forced to go into a burning building, or a policeman has to face a crazy gun man. Not only will firefighters and policemen be vaccinated, but I, myself, will also have an extremely large dosage of this super vaccine. I will be the strongest, greatest, most amazing super human. I will have no weaknesses, and I will be invincible. There is no need to worry or prepare for my life to pass any longer, because not only will I never die, but I will, essentially, have any and all power. There will never be a reason for someone to take my place as ruler.  

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